
3rd Annual Las Puertas Tango Marathon

4th of July is on a Saturday this year but don’t you deserve to still have a long Holiday Weekend?  We think you do so we’ve decided to start our 3rd Annual Las Puertas Tango Marathon on Thursday night!  Now’s the time to start making your plans to attend so you can have your long 4th of July Holiday Weekend full of tango all day and all night!


joaquinOnce again this year we’ll have a stand alone five-class musicality series offered by acclaimed author and tango musicality authority Joaquin Amenabar.

For additional information on DJ’s, schedules, and to register/pay, please go to: www.laspuertastangomarathon.com

**During the week of May 4-10, we will be offering full passes (6 milongas) for the 2015 Las Puertas Tango Marathon for 30% off! Save the date. **





Monica Paz Workshop @ Studio Roma

Monica PazLas Puertas is excited to announce that Monica Paz will be putting on a Tango Workshop at Studio Roma located at 1508 Roma NW 87104 the first weekend in June!  Monica is one of the few instructors of tango with an academic foundation.  She is recognized all over the world for her vast experience as a  teacher and dancer.  She is a true master and teacher of milonguero style tango.

Monica also has her Practi-Milongueros project where she has interviewed many well known Milongueros so imagine the stories she can tell and the knowledge she has to pass on!

To view her interviews go to https://www.youtube.com/user/PractiMilongueros

7:30pm to 9:00pmClose embrace is not always milonguero.
Connection with the partner. Posture, Embrace
Connection with the music: Times

1:00pm to 2:30pmMake your tango “alive” I
Energy for rhythm
Changes of weight
Rock steps
3:00pm to 4:30pmMake your tango “alive” II
Energy for melody
Musical phases
Build each movement
8:00pm to MidnightMilonga at 1512 1st St NW 87102

1:00pm to 2:30pmDancing on the floor
Following the line of dance
Dancing on a tile
3:00pm to 4:30pmIt’s not what you do but how you do it that’s important to tango
Variations of back ochos
Variations of ocho cortado

Full Weekend – all 5 classes + Milonga $120 per person, $150 per couple
Drop In – $25 per person per class

Private Lessons:
$100 for one, $270 for three
Contact Darcy at 505-244-0290 or darcytango@gmail.com to schedule

For more info, or to register by cash or check, click here to download the flyer

To pay online by credit card, debit card, or PayPal account, select a pass…

Monica Paz Workshop


Pablo Rodriguez & Eva Garlez Workshop

Join us the weekend of March 6th – 8th for a workshop with this fun and talented couple!  They are among the leading young couples specializing in Tango Milonguero in the world today.


Friday (@ Las Puertas)
7:00pm to 8:30pm – Circulation
Tools for developing a good circulation and utilization of the dance floor

Saturday (@ Studio Roma)
1:00pm to 2:30pm – Play with the Rhythm
Have fun with the basic steps through the rhythm
3:00pm to 4:30pm – Caminatas and their Variations of Speed
Techniques to develop a good transmission of the body movement

8:00pm to Midnight – Milonga de Las Puertas with a special performance by Pablo & Eva

Sunday (@ Studio Roma)
1:00pm to 2:30pm – Milonga Lisa y Traspie
Combinations of steps with/without traspie
3:00pm to 4:30pm – Direction Changes
Direction Changes gives you the change to start dancing in a crowded dance floor without losing the fun

Full weekend which is all 5 classes + Milonga is $100 per person, $150 per couple. Drop in is $25 per person per class  Pablo & Eva Workshop Registration Form

Private Lessons are $90 for one, $250 for three. Please contact Darcy at 505-244-0290 or darcytango@gmail.com to schedule.


Weekend Pass Options


Adela Galeazzi Workshop, October 17th – October 19th

Adela Galeazzi was born in Buenos Aires and began dancing tango at a very early age.  She’s been giving classes since 2004.  She always gives full importance to learning how to walk and doesn’t worry about “steps”, focusing instead on subjects such as pauses and changes of directions.

Adela GalleazziAdela is a true milonguera who learned to dance in the milongas and believes that although each man has his own style, a good milonguera is one who can follow all of them.

Please join us to learn from this wonderful, talented woman.   The workshop will  be at  Studio Roma which is at 1508 Roma Ave NW 87104.  

Following is the schedule for the workshop weekend.


Friday, Oct. 17th
7:30pm – 8:30pm – Embrace & Walk

8:30pm – 12:30am – Special Milonga de Las Puertas featuring Alejandro Ziegler Cuarteto, DJ Michelle McRuiz

Saturday, Oct. 18th
2:00pm – 3:00pm – Musicality: Dancing to Instrumentals
3:15pm – 4:15pm – Dancing to Vocals

8:00pm – Midnight – Milonga de Las Puertas with special guest Adela Galeazzi, DJ George Simmons

Sunday, Oct. 19th
2:00pm – 3:00pm – Simple Ideas for Navigating in Crowded Milongas; Discussion of BA Codes & Other Information
3:15pm – 4:15pm – Women’s Techniques

The Workshop Package which includes the 2 milongas is $65.  To reserve your space you can fill out the flyer below to pay with a credit card or check, you can contact Darcy directly at 505-244-0290 or darcytango@gmail.com, or you can pay via PayPal below.  Individual classes are $15 each at the door.

Adela will be available for privates at Studio Roma.  $85 for 1 lesson, $225 for 3 lessons.  Call or Email Darcy to schedule at 505-244-0290 or darcytango@gmail.com.



Special Friday Night Milonga with Alejandro Ziegler Cuarteto

Las Puertas presents a Weekend of Tango beginning Friday night, October 17th!

We are once again hosting The Alejandro Ziegler Cuarteto for a special Friday Night Milonga where the Cuarteto will perform live for your listening and dancing pleasure along with DJ Michelle McRuiz!

2014, 3rd northamerican tour

To make this a true Tango Weekend, we are also presenting a 3 day Workshop with Adela Galleazzi directly from Buenos Aires!  Her workshop begins Friday night before our Special Milonga and we are offering special pricing if you would like to attend both her Friday night class and our Speical Milonga.

Adela Galleazzi

Adela’s Class “Embrace & Walk” begins at 7:30pm and goes to 8:30pm.  Our Special Milonga with the Alejandro Ziegler Cuarteto performing along with DJ Michelle McRuiz will then begin at 8:30pm with the Cuarteto performing from 9:30pm to 11:30pm and the Milonga will go until 12:30am.

You can reserve ahead of time by filling out the attached flyer to pay with either a credit card or check and sending in, contacting Darcy at 505-244-0290 or darcytango@gmail.com, or via PayPal below.  Space is limited so reserving ahead of time is strongly recommended!


Alejandro Ziegler Cuarteto Night