A weekend workshop presented by the Tango Club of Albuquerque.
Albuquerque was one of the many places Daniel Trenner planted the seeds of Argentine Tango in the 1990’s. The Tango Club of Albuquerque invites you to meet and learn from the “Johnny Appleseed of Tango.” It makes no difference what your level of expertise is in Argentine Tango, this weekend workshop will be a real eye-opener.
Download the flyer and mail-in registration form.
Online workshop payments.

Friday, May 9th – 7:30 – 9:00 PM
“Tango from Zero” – All Levels
Daniel’s Introduction to Tango Dancing for Absolute Beginners is famous for being delightful and making dancing possible for even the most doubtful beginners. No partner needed. A perfect experience for people new to Tango. Complete novices welcome.
For experienced dancers, learn the teaching methods that will make you a good ambassador for tango. This is the class that gave Daniel his nickname of “The Johnny Appleseed of Tango” and inspired the people that built many of the tango communities in the US and Europe that are still thriving today. See how Daniel gets people excited about learning tango without teaching the eight count basic.
Friday, May 9th – 9:00 – 11:00 PM
Demo & Practice – All Levels
Demo dance by Daniel and Agape followed by time to practice what you have learned and ask questions (called a “practica” in Argentine Tango).
Saturday, May 10th – 1:30 – 2:30 PM
“Tango Foundations for Everyone” – All Levels
Tango through the lens of its “Default Vocabulary.” We begin with Basic Movements, and Lead and Follow, the hardest part of Tango. Ease and efficiency with this material underlie all the complexity that follows. We will proceed to fundamentals of Tango’s technique (Follower’s Mind) and architecture (Leader’s Mind). The union of two “voices,” lead-follow, male-female, yin-yang, often referred to as “connection,” the “holy grail” of a social dancer’s search. In the golden years of tango (1940-50) in Buenos Aires, these roles were aligned in society and the dance. In modern times they are no longer. In this class we will explore the traditional roles with a modern attitude. Be prepared to challenge yourself to empathize with the other by embodying their role as well as your own. This class will set the stage for all of Daniel’s classes.
Saturday, May 10th – 3:00 – 4:30 PM
Exploring the Close Embrace Style of Pedro “Tete” Rusconi & Maria Villalobos.
Part 1: The Embrace – All Levels (Prerequisite for Part 2 on Sunday)
The different styles of close embrace and how to make the adjustment to any dancer, for leads and follows.
Tete and Maria appeared in Tango’s revival in the late 1980’s and ignited the Young Generation’s interest in dancing in close frame. Tete went on to greater fame with his later partner, Silvia Ceriani, but it was the style he developed with Maria that was the foundation for all the success that followed. Maria is never given the credit she deserves for developing their unique take on this intimate and social form of the 1950s… Daniel was one of their first intensive students, and worked closely with them both throughout the 1990’s. The classes: Squares and Spirals. An in depth investigation of the Argentine “Close Embrace” style and its variations.
Sunday, May 11th – 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Exploring the Close Embrace Style of Pedro “Tete” Rusconi and Maria Villalobos.
Part 2: The Vocabulary – Intermediate/Advanced
Followers technical adjustments. Leaders geometry. Spiral turns. How to make the most of close embrace simplicity.
Sunday, May 11th – 3:00 – 4:30 PM
Multimedia Presentation and Lecture – All Levels
Comparing the History and Mythology of Tango.
Tango’s Roots, its emergence in Argentine Culture, its European travels, and the Golden Years.