
Gustavo Benzecry Saba & Maria Olivera Workshops

Gustavo and Maria met in 2003 while Gustavo was teaching a class at a small dance Studio in Palermo.  Shortly after, they started working together at Salón Canning.


Gustavo As a dancer, he stands out for his agility and most of all for his endless creativity, which he bases in the ability of dominating the techniques and exploring the possibilities he’s being offered through the embrace and the release of the emotions.

Maria studied follower’s techniques with several prestigious dancers and learned even more from milonguero Masters that taught her about the emotion of the dance.  Her hallmark as a dancer is the speed and expressiveness of her feet, which she combines with the elegance of her walking and posture.

Tango Club of Albuquerque is hosting these tango workshops with Gustavo and Maria, Dec. 6th – 8th.   For a flyer with a mail-in registration form, class subjects, times, and pricing information please click here.

Gustavo and Maria will be available for private lessons beginning Friday, December 6, contact Leslie Jones: (505) 369-6040 • info@abqtango.org

Click here to purchase workshops passes online.

Friday, December 6

7:00-8:30pm (all levels) Tango: Connection, embrace, and partner communication

9:00-9:45pm Screening of Gustavo’s: “The History of Tango Dance 1940-1960” $10 (Not included with workshop. Discount admission coupons available to workshop attendees — $5) Purchase passes by clicking here.

Saturday, December 7

1:30-3:00pm (beg/int) Tango: The sensuality of Salón – snake walks, smooth pivots and cozy embraces

3:30-5:00pm (int) Milonga: The geometry of traspié

8:00pm-Midnight — Milonga de las Puertas. Hosted by Lee Blaugrund. Featuring live music with Ziegler Cuarteto and performance by Gustavo and Maria. $15 (Not included with workshop. Discount admission coupons available to workshop attendees — $10)

Sunday, December 8

1:30-3:00pm (int/adv) Vals: Spinning and turning around the line of dance

3:30-5:00pm (adv) Tango: Rhythm vs. Musicality

7:30-10:30pm Milonga at Kellys, hosted by TCA — FREE

Per class: $25 TCA members; $30 non-members.

Workshop Package after 11/30/2013
Package: $100 TCA members; $125 non-members
(does not include admission to documentary screening or Saturday night milonga)

Click here to purchase workshops passes online.


Enriqueta Kleinman Tango Workshop

Tango - Enriqueta KleinmanThe Tango Club of Albuquerque will be hosting a beginner/intermediate level Argentine Tango workshop with Enriqueta Kleinman.

Enriqueta is available for private lessons from Wednesday, Sept 11 through Monday, Sept 16. Contact Leslie Jones: (505) 369-6040 • info@abqtango.org

For a flyer with a mail-in registration form, class subjects, times, and pricing information please click here.

Click here to purchase workshops passes online.

Enriqueta comes from Buenos Aires and grew up with the culture, music, and dancing of Argentine Tango all around her.  She currently teaches and performs in Buenos Aires, US, Canada, and Europe. She is an expert in Salon Tango-Milonguero Style, the social dance style of Argentine Tango. Enriqueta also specializes in teaching women’s technique and is known for her smooth, sensual dancing. She has performed in the Metropolitan Championships in Buenos Aires as well as many milongas and festivals in Buenos Aires, the US and Canada. Having lived for several years in New York City, Enriqueta speaks English fluently.

Friday, September 13

7:30-9:00pm (All Levels) Milonguero Fundamentals: Caminatas (walks), quick walks, different ways to advance forward. Variations for amague (“rock step”); with flexion and change of weight, with flexion and change of direction, without flexion (in place).

9:00-10:30pm Guided Practice session

Saturday, September 14

1:30-3:00pm (Beginner/Intermediate)
Cruzadas and Ochos (crosses and figure 8’s): Getting to the cruzada (cross) from the basic walk. Different combinations of ochos — backward, milonguero, cut, front, from the side, with backward crosses walking for circulation and for moving ahead.

3:30-5:00pm (Beginner/Intermediate)
Giros (turns): giros and contra-giros (counter turns), half turns, 180-degree turns, turns with change of direction, turns with backward and forward corridas (runs).
8:00pm-Midnight — Milonga de las Puertas. Hosted by Lee Blaugrund. $5.

Sunday, September 15

1:30-3:00pm (Beginner/Intermediate)
Tango Sequences: Combinations of turns; counter-turns and pivots, the feel of direction using your feet, turns using the floor, changing the embrace, raising and lowering the energy of the woman according to the part of the sequence that needs it.

3:30-5:00pm (All Levels)
Technique for the follower: Posture, separation of the torso from the rest of the body, sustaining the axis, maintaining connection, technique as the foundation for beautiful embellishments.

6:30-9:30pm — Milonga/House Party with Enriqueta at the home of Julie Reichert and Bill Mohr. Pot luck. Free. Details TBA.

Per class: $20 TCA members; $25 non-members.
Friday practica only: $5 members or non-members
Package: Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday 1:30 class: $80 TCA members (does not include Follower’s Technique class); $100 non-members

Early Bird — Register and pay by midnight 9/10/2013
Package: $75 TCA members; $95 non-members
Package + Follower’s technique (Sunday 3:30 class): $95 TCA members; $120 non-members

Click here to purchase workshops passes online.


Fall Workshop @ Studio Roma with Brigitta Winkler!

Brigitta will be back in Albuquerque for a Fall Workshop.  Join us at Studio Roma to learn from this incredibly talented teacher!

Brigitta’s classes integrate her knowledge from 30 years of international experience in tango dance, instruction and performance with techniques of Body Mind Centering.  She is an equally gifted resource for both close embrace and open style tango.  Her workshops are extraordinary, insightful, creative and fun!

Friday, October 4
8:00pm – 9:30pm
Energize & Elevate your Lead/Follow Role
Body Mechanics & Step Examples  (all levels)

Saturday, October 5
1:30pm – 3:30pm
Practical Musicality at Work
Boost your Dance with new Musical Awareness  (Intermediate)

8:00pm – 9:00pm 
Funny Milonga Steps  (Intermediate)
(Class + Milonga for $20)
9:00pm – 12:00am
Milonga de Las Puertas with DJ Michelle McRuiz

Sunday, October 6
1:00pm – 2:30pm
Transformative Spine
Circular Moves & Enganches  (Intermediate/Advanced)
3:00pm – 4:30pm
|Flirty Vals  (Intermediate)

$25 per person per class or $100 for weekend.  The weekend package includes all five classes and Milonga.  To register click here.

Private lessons available with Brigitta $100 each or three lessons for $270.  Email Brigitta at brigittatango@gmail.com to schedule.  Lessons will be held @ Studio Roma which is located at 1508 Roma Ave NW  Albuquerque NM  87104.


Marcelo Varela and Analia Vega Workshop


BACKGROUND                                   Marcelo and Analia have been dancing ballet, Argentine Folk dance and Tango since they were six years old.  They have participated in festivals; they have performed tango in Argentina, Peru, U.S., Canada and Europe and have taught numerous tango workshops as only they do – with knowledge, humor, creativity and graciousness.

FORMAT The format of this workship will be a set of progressive sequence of classes covering the weekend.

Full weekend pass is $175 if registered by June 15, 2011.  After June 15, 2011 the price will be $200.   Attendance for this special workshop will be capped at 40 paid participants – 20 followers and 20 leaders.


Mauro Peralta and Claudia Cortes Workshop


Mauro Peralta is dedicated to exploring the communication and connection of the couple through his practice and his teaching. Incorporating techniques from ballet, jazz, yoga and gyrotonics, his focus is on the sensual embrace and walk of traditional tango. His dancing has brought him recognition as a performer for its creativity, unique style and an embodiment of the emotion and wholehearted abandon of tango as danced in the milongas of Buenos Aires

Claudia Cortes grew up dancing folklore and contemporary dance forms in her native Patagonia. Introduced to tango in Los Angeles in 2006, she travelled to Buenos Aires to study the dance and returned to California to teach and perform in the local milongas and festivals. Her teaching draws from a background in athletics to emphasize correct technique, posture and alignment in the embrace. Her dance exemplifies the intensity, stillness and the beauty of Argentine Tango.

Mauro and Claudia joined forces in December 2012. Together they seek to create a stirring, inspiring and poignant dance.

NM Tango Academy  is hosting this workshop.  Following is the schedule for the weekend.

Friday night: (7:30 – 8:45pm)                                                                                                From the simple to the most complex in tango (progressive class for all levels)

 Saturday                                                                                                                               Class I: (1:00 – 2:15pm) La tecnica: Alignment, spirals into our body, energy from our center to the floor and our partner                                                                                                  Class II: (2:45 – 4:00pm) Sacadas with enrosques and lapices

 Sunday                                                                                                                                 Class I: (1:00 – 2:15pm) Change of directions (Dynamics and circularity into the movement)                                                                                                                            Class II: (2:45 – 4:00pm) Front and back boleos! Feel the timing of your partner, find your weight and the free leg

Prices are $125 for the entire workshop and you can register at  http://nmtangoacademy.com/public_html/Mauro_%26_Claudia.html                                                                             Individual classes are $30 each, pay at the door.